Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Category: <span>Rant</span>

Foods I won’t eat, even for science

So, one of the things I see very common for blogs is to do a top ten list. So, I thought I’d give that a shot by listing the top ten foods that I won’t even try. Here’s the problem… I couldn’t find that many. The truth is, I’m a …

Fickle Science or Can I have my damn steak or not?

Sometimes, science is a fickle bitch. Okay, that’s not really true. Science is just fine. It’s steady and consistent. Science only ever really changes when you find yourself in weird corners of the universe like the event horizon of a black hole, or the quantum vacuum, or literally anywhere in …

The Demon-Children of the 73rd Level of Hell on our Highways!

Okay, so I’ve spent most of my life not being particularly religious. We didn’t really say grace before meals when I was growing up and I’ve only been to church a few times. And as an adult, I think I’m a pretty normal, stable human being. (Aside from the bodies …

Trick or Treat, Bitches.

Some of this post was originally intended for last Friday’s F#@k-It Friday. However… Trick or treat! I guess it’s a trick, because my ass was too busy (read lazy) to actually get that done. So I guess it really was a fuck-it Friday.  Last week was Halloween. Yep, that one …

Tacos… and My Alien Son

I’m starting to think that my son might be adopted.  Sure, it’s a little late to come to this conclusion since he’s an adult, but… He can’t possibly be mine. Or Evil Fire Breathing Dragon Lady’s, for that matter. He might look like us, even act like us in many …

Good Intentions: Is WikiLeaks Paving the Road to Hell?

I think most of us grow up with the notion that good always triumphs over evil. Even if evil seems to win in the near term, good wins out in the long run. After all, that’s what our parables, fables, religions and even our fictions tell us, right, that good …