Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Tag: <span>rant</span>

Fickle Science or Can I have my damn steak or not?

Sometimes, science is a fickle bitch. Okay, that’s not really true. Science is just fine. It’s steady and consistent. Science only ever really changes when you find yourself in weird corners of the universe like the event horizon of a black hole, or the quantum vacuum, or literally anywhere in …

Coming Clean with Kolaches

My whole life is a lie. Okay, let me get a hold of myself here. I need to vent this out.  Holy shit. Years ago, before my grandmother passed, she bestowed upon me one of the most sacred things in our family, a copy of a recipe. Now this wasn’t …

Trick or Treat, Bitches.

Some of this post was originally intended for last Friday’s F#@k-It Friday. However… Trick or treat! I guess it’s a trick, because my ass was too busy (read lazy) to actually get that done. So I guess it really was a fuck-it Friday.  Last week was Halloween. Yep, that one …