Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Category: <span>Just Me</span>

Halloween, Movies and My New Favorite DnD Tool

Today I’ll talk about our incredible Halloween decorations, a couple movies I saw and a new-to-me DnD tool that I may be a little addicted to. Welp, it happened again. Remember how before, one line above, I said something about “incredible” Halloween decorations? Yeah, that was sarcasm. We didn’t decorate …

Foods I won’t eat, even for science

So, one of the things I see very common for blogs is to do a top ten list. So, I thought I’d give that a shot by listing the top ten foods that I won’t even try. Here’s the problem… I couldn’t find that many. The truth is, I’m a …

Relieve Your Stress with a Lovely Cruise at the End of the World

It’s been a shitty day full of stress, it’s time to say “fuck it,” and jump head-long into the apocalypse and live the rest of my life on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Or, maybe I’ll focus on surviving in the zombie apocalypse in rural Arizona. Life …

Fickle Science or Can I have my damn steak or not?

Sometimes, science is a fickle bitch. Okay, that’s not really true. Science is just fine. It’s steady and consistent. Science only ever really changes when you find yourself in weird corners of the universe like the event horizon of a black hole, or the quantum vacuum, or literally anywhere in …

The Mysterious, Marvelous, Mighty Pepperoni Rolls

Come with me… and you’ll be… in a world of pure imagination. Take a look… and you’ll see… Pepperoni Rolls for your mastication. Ahem… that was weird. Recently I wrote about how a part of my life was fundamentally changed when I discovered that my family’s kolache recipe was ACTUALLY …

Coming Clean with Kolaches

My whole life is a lie. Okay, let me get a hold of myself here. I need to vent this out.  Holy shit. Years ago, before my grandmother passed, she bestowed upon me one of the most sacred things in our family, a copy of a recipe. Now this wasn’t …