Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Tag: <span>skywalker</span>

Good Intentions: Is WikiLeaks Paving the Road to Hell?

I think most of us grow up with the notion that good always triumphs over evil. Even if evil seems to win in the near term, good wins out in the long run. After all, that’s what our parables, fables, religions and even our fictions tell us, right, that good …

Solo’s Fatal Flaw

When it comes to any big fandom movie in general, everyone seems to have an opinion, but with Star Wars, the “old school” fans can get even more contentious. And, since I remember seeing most of the original trilogy in the theaters, I guess that makes me old school, so …

Of Porgs and Force Ghosts

So. The Last Jedi. Let’s do this in three stages, depending on how much you want to read. The first two parts should be spoiler-free, but the third, well. I feel that to go into any SERIOUS detail, I have to give some spoilers. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of …

Panic at the Death Star

Rogue One. By now, I’m sure you’ve heard every complaint about it. About Darth Vader’s rapid mobility decline from Rogue One to A New Hope. About the not-quite-perfect human CGI characters. About the over-intensity in Rogue One vs. the somewhat prosaic style of A New Hope.There’s even an article out there …