Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Category: <span>TV/Movies</span>

Us-A Tale of Two Lupitas

Us is an interesting mind-bender of a film. The moments where Peele lets up are very brief, and act more like a chance for the audience, like the characters, to just catch a breath and get ready for the next wave of chaos.

The Adventures of Goose, Feat. Captain Marvel

Okay, so that title is a little hyperbole, but seriously… was Goose really not the best character in Captain Marvel? Let me backup a little for those who don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. We’re discussing Captain Marvel, Disney/Marvel’s latest episode in the big screen bonanza that is …

2018 is the year of the SciFi Behemoths

I don’t think I’m really overstating it here. I mean c’mon. We’ve already had two of the largest science fiction (and yes, I consider comic book movies to be science fiction) movies this year. Black Panther, Deadpool 2 and Infinity War have all broken records. Deadpool 2 broke the opening …

Black Panther: A Great Science Fiction Flick For Everyone

I’ll be honest, I was never a huge fan of Marvel’s Black Panther character. Not because I particularly DISliked him. Rather it was mostly because I was not that familiar with him. When I was in my early teens, my single-mother had a job where she was able to bring …

Of Porgs and Force Ghosts

So. The Last Jedi. Let’s do this in three stages, depending on how much you want to read. The first two parts should be spoiler-free, but the third, well. I feel that to go into any SERIOUS detail, I have to give some spoilers. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of …

Flying Killer Discs from Planet AOL

Science fiction is full of weird technology. Sometimes it’s super-Swiss-Army-Knife weapons like the Zorg ZF-1 Pod Weapon from…