Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Tag: <span>Comics</span>

The Boys: An Education in Violence

I feel like comic book universes have always been kind of the red-headed step-child of Science Fiction. Well, until The Boys happened. The mainstreaming of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC’s movies and all the current comic book TV shows has definitely made these kinds of stories much more common and …

What Avengers: Endgame has to say about storytelling (and life)

I REALLY wanted to go see Avengers: Endgame on opening weekend. So badly I could taste it. So several days before the premier, I searched the whole of my favorite theater for the necessary block of seats for my family. Alas, it did not happen. As the captain of a …

The Adventures of Goose, Feat. Captain Marvel

Okay, so that title is a little hyperbole, but seriously… was Goose really not the best character in Captain Marvel? Let me backup a little for those who don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. We’re discussing Captain Marvel, Disney/Marvel’s latest episode in the big screen bonanza that is …

Do Fictional Superheroes Make the Real World Better?

Having heroes is a huge part of the human experience. It’s part of what drives us to be better people, even if we don’t often realize it. We often feel a secret, even unconscious shame  and envy that our heroes do things we cannot or do not do. Mark Twain …