Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Category: <span>General Nerdery</span>

Halloween, Movies and My New Favorite DnD Tool

Today I’ll talk about our incredible Halloween decorations, a couple movies I saw and a new-to-me DnD tool that I may be a little addicted to. Welp, it happened again. Remember how before, one line above, I said something about “incredible” Halloween decorations? Yeah, that was sarcasm. We didn’t decorate …

The Boys: An Education in Violence

I feel like comic book universes have always been kind of the red-headed step-child of Science Fiction. Well, until The Boys happened. The mainstreaming of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC’s movies and all the current comic book TV shows has definitely made these kinds of stories much more common and …

Relieve Your Stress with a Lovely Cruise at the End of the World

It’s been a shitty day full of stress, it’s time to say “fuck it,” and jump head-long into the apocalypse and live the rest of my life on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Or, maybe I’ll focus on surviving in the zombie apocalypse in rural Arizona. Life …

The Slippery Slope of Poopy Science

Science is cool. Few things in this world make me happier than reading about some new discover and saying “Fuck yeah, science!” So when I found this article at on a research paper saying that scientists have found a way to keep your poop from sticking to the inside …

The Mandalorian…or The Not-Boba-Fett Show

So the first episode/chapter of The Mandalorian is out on the new Disney+. Does it have a true Star Wars feel? Does it do the franchise justice?

Quora Question: Do you think we will ever find life outside of Earth?

Finding life other than on Earth is a tricky, and sometimes loaded question. It can depend on whether you just mean living organisms or intelligent life. Opinions on this can also be shaped by people’s individual religious beliefs. Though, these are opinions, and what we’re really concerned about is making …