Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Speculative Miscellany


MapTool by RPTools

Halloween, Movies and My New Favorite DnD Tool

Today I'll talk about our incredible Halloween decorations, a couple movies I saw and a new-to-me DnD tool that I may be a little addicted to. Welp, it happened again ...
Jack in the Box short: Feeding Time.

‘Tis the Season for Scary Shit

  Life’s pretty fucking crazy. And by crazy I mean like a psycho-killer running around with a hammer, smashing people in their grapes. And damn to I have a headache ...
Cyberpunk Future

The Slide Toward Our Cyberpunk Future

The end is nigh. Okay, not really the end. In fact, not the end at all. More like the beginning… of a very dark time. A dark, cyberpunk reality.  A ...
The Boys on Amazon Prime Video

The Boys: An Education in Violence

I feel like comic book universes have always been kind of the red-headed step-child of Science Fiction. Well, until The Boys happened. The mainstreaming of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC’s ...
Jack and the Kraken

Foods I won’t eat, even for science

So, one of the things I see very common for blogs is to do a top ten list. So, I thought I’d give that a shot by listing the top ...
7 Days to Die

Relieve Your Stress with a Lovely Cruise at the End of the World

It’s been a shitty day full of stress, it’s time to say “fuck it,” and jump head-long into the apocalypse and live the rest of my life on a raft ...
The Llahe by Flora Silve

Spec-Art Spotlight: Flora Silve

Welcome back to our next edition of SpecArt Spotlight, with today's guest as Flora "Grise" Silve. Flora is a fantastic artist that I've worked with before. She was gracious enough ...
Frikin' Science Bitches!

Fickle Science or Can I have my damn steak or not?

Sometimes, science is a fickle bitch. Okay, that’s not really true. Science is just fine. It’s steady and consistent. Science only ever really changes when you find yourself in weird ...
Hey man, want some of this good stuff?

The Mysterious, Marvelous, Mighty Pepperoni Rolls

Come with me... and you'll be... in a world of pure imagination. Take a look... and you'll see... Pepperoni Rolls for your mastication. Ahem... that was weird. Recently I wrote ...
Everyday Life of Cyberpunk Cities (1), by Niklas Nebelsieck

Spec-Art Spotlight: Niklas Nebelsieck

So... Happy New Year! Seems appropriate to me that my first post of 2020 would be a SpecArt Spotlight. Today, I'm bringing you a great artist straight from Berlin, Germany ...