Stormy Night, A 20TweetTales Noir Story
Wrote this 20TweetTales piece a few months ago, just forgot to share it here. Stormy Night continues a bit on my Noir theme, though this one is has a bit ...

Me and My Tattoo: a Match Made in Hesitancy
I blame my kids for a lot of shit. I mean, they’ve taken so much from me. Time… money… okay, mostly time and money, but these are legit things. If ...

It's been more than a week since I recorded what I've found. Not that it matters, since I haven't really found anything. Except more dust and crumbling posts. It's like ...
The Great First Step Mystery — Open Space Science

Quora Question: Do you think we will ever find life outside of Earth?
Finding life other than on Earth is a tricky, and sometimes loaded question. It can depend on whether you just mean living organisms or intelligent life. Opinions on this can ...

Clarice, A 20TweetTales SciFi Noir Story
Cyberpunk has always been part futuretech scifi and part hardboiled noir, which is probably why I like things like Blade Runner and Johnny Mnemonic so much. TBH, I need to ...

John Wick 3 is an Ultraviolent Symphony of Murder
As the title says, John Wick 3: Parabellum is an ultraviolent murderfest. And yes, I absolutely loved it. If you remember, JW2 ended with John being classified Excommunicado by the ...

Courier, A 20TweetTales SciFi Story
Mad Max, Fallout, 12 Monkeys, Escape from New York, and even Cherry 2000... I love post apocalyptic SciFi fiction. That's why this image from Ivan Khotenov is so cool for ...