Just finished watching this… whew. To be honest I… No, wait. You go watch it. Then I’ll write.
Okay, done? As I said… whew! If there’s one thing that Marvel has damn-near perfected it is the drama of the trailer. I mean, here we are six months from the release of Avengers: Infinity War (part 1), in the middle of one of the busiest movie/theatre times of the year and they’ve managed to shake things up and make me want something OTHER than Star Wars. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still super excited about The Last Jedi, but this… To be honest I think I’m more excited for this than Star Wars.
<GASP> “WHAT?” You say…
Yes, I think it’s true. Marvel has built this universe that, even though we are 17 movies in (so far), we are still just getting the tip of the iceberg of. Star Wars is equally, if not grander in potential scope, and I loved The Force Awakens and Rogue One, but because of the more recent movies and consistency, I feel more connected to the MCU.
Okay, enough about that. What about that trailer, huh? I’ll be honest, I think this movie is going to be flippin’ bananas. I mean, SO MANY HEROES! It looks like we’ll get some plotty-points, but I’m expecting >50% of destruction and action. Oh, and snarky one-liners. (I mean, c’mon… “And someone get this man a shield.” REALLY? Cute but really cheesy for Marvel) Not that I’m complaining. With this much going on and the fact that THANOS himself looks like he’s stepping foot on Earth, There’s not really much room for anything else.
P.S. I know I said it was the beginning of the end, but that just means the end of Phase 3 of Marvel’s plans. We have no idea what’s coming next, but I seriously doubt Disney would give up this gift-horse just yet.
P.P.S. Also, Black Widow blonde? WTF is that? Am I right?