Geek Culture, Writing and Other Junk from Writer C. A. Wilke
Tag: <span>tattoo</span>

Me and My Tattoo: Popping the Cherry

Here we are. It’s Friday. Time for Evil Fire Breathing Dragon Lady and I to have our respective delicate fleshes repeatedly jabbed and poked and carved with a foreign, chromatic substance that will irrevocably incise our epidermises with the branding of an entertainment franchise. AKA… get our video game tattoos.

Me and My Tattoo: a Match Made in Hesitancy

I blame my kids for a lot of shit. I mean, they’ve taken so much from me. Time… money… okay, mostly time and money, but these are legit things. If I hadn’t had kids I’d… I don’t know, have more time and money? And just maybe having a tattoo. Just …